Funding for Insights

Urban Schools

INSIGHTS in Jamaica Programme has received funding from The CHASE Fund for three years (2014 to 2017) to support the intervention in urban areas of Jamaica. 

Rural Schools

The Expanding INSIGHTS Project in the rural areas has received funding for one academic year (2014-2015) from the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund through the Embassy of the United States of America.

Making a Difference

You can make a difference by adding financial value to enhance the welfare of Jamaica’s children and to “provide a platform for them to learn to improve their own interactions with parents, teachers and friends”. Also to equip parents with critical skills that will allow them to replace harsh discipline with warmth and understanding.

Presently, with the current funds, we are able to reach only six schools per academic year. With our intention to target both 5 year old classrooms and children in grades one and two, further funding is needed for an expansion into additional infant and primary schools across Jamaica.